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At Long Sutton C of E Primary School our aim is that children ‘Learn to love and love to learn’, enabling them to be positive role models, responsible, self confident citizens and have the knowledge and skills for the next stage in their learning journey as life-long learners. Long Sutton Primary School is an important part of our village community and this is a key part of our curriculum. It is also important that the children learn about life beyond our community to broaden their knowledge and enable them to become good citizens.

Our school continues to be a GOOD school according to our most recent Ofsted inspection (January 2024). We feel the report reflects the school’s family ethos and the importance of every child to us. This was  reiterated by the Church School Inspection (June 2024) which states that the vision ‘underpins school life enabling pupils and adults to flourish’ and inspired by this vision, ‘the school’s curriculum and extra-curricular provision, provide a holistic education which encourages pupils to aspire to be the best that they can be’.

Ofsted said ‘Pupils are rightly proud to attend Long Sutton C of E Primary School. They say the school is a welcoming and happy place. It is. Pupils are polite, well-mannered and considerate of others. All pupils are included and well cared for. This is highly valued by parents.’ They went on to say that ‘The school is ambitious for all pupils to learn well across the curriculum. Staff take time to build warm and secure relationships with pupils. This helps them to learn well in a calm and nurturing environment.’ and that ‘The school has designed an ambitious curriculum. This is underpinned by the promotion of oracy and reading to benefit all pupils.’

As a school we feel that reading is central to all we do and are very proud that this too was recognised by Ofsted, ‘Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. The school has considered carefully how books enhance teaching across subjects. Selected texts cover a range of genres as well as promoting pupils’ understanding of different cultures. Pupils value reading and take pleasure in sharing their favourite books. The school supports pupils to learn to read well.’

The report also sates that ‘Pupils behave well. Pupils’ wider development is a strength. Pupils are supported to develop their understanding of equality and diversity. They are taught how to keep safe both online and in the wider world.’  (Ofsted report)

The Church School Inspection stated that ‘The vision is lived out through the school’s Christian values of thankfulness, resilience, compassion, hope and love. Pupils and staff constantly refer to these values. As a result, pupil are aspirational to be the best that they can be in their work and relationships. Parents are proud of the school which sits at the heart of its local community. As such, pupils, staff, governors, parents and the community work together to support the school. This is exemplified by the number of volunteers who support learning. This generates an environment that values individual contributions and treats each one with care and respect.’

The school’s ethos and aims are well summed up in this recent quote from a parent:

‘There is a great sense of family within the school and every child is seen as important and treated individually. The children in return respect and care for their teachers, helpers and their peers. I think it is due to this loving environment that my child and all the other children flourish. Again I believe that the Christian values at the core of the school are responsible for this and the children are taught through their school promises and daily Christian instruction the importance of thinking about their actions and their effect on others before acting.’

Each year the governors ask parents to complete a questionnaire to collect their views on the school to help them make improvements. Parent survey results April 2023       

Parent survey responses 23 April 2023- comments

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded The Somerset Inclusive Dyslexia Friendly Schools Initiative.  The report is attached (IDFS Report).

Long Sutton C of E Primary School and Toy Box Pre-school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff, volunteers, visitors and outside agencies to share this commitment and to follow the school’s policy and procedures (see below, in Useful Documents).

Long Sutton C of E School Promises

Always try our best
Be polite and well mannered
To be kind and caring
Play together nicely and fairly
Treat everyone and everything with respect
To keep each other safe

Useful Documents

Weekly News

Up Coming Events

Child Exploitation and County Lines by Escapeline – Monday 20th January at 3.30pm

Is my child too ill for school?

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they’re unwell. I hope you find this NHS link a useful resource – https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/

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