About The Governors

Chair of Governors: Mr Mike Hampson
Vice Chair of Governors: Mr David Brayshay

The governing body of Long Sutton Church of England VA Primary School comprises nominees from the Local Authority, Diocesan Board for Education (DBE) and Parochial Church Councils in Long Load and Long Sutton as well as having elected parents and a member of the teaching staff. The headteacher is an ex-officio member of the governing body. There are currently seven governors with vacancies for three DBE Foundation governors. The local vicar would normally be an ex-officio DBE Foundation governor (included in the three vacancies) but has recently retired and has, as yet, not been replaced.

The role of the governors is to support the school to provide the best possible education for our children by agreeing and monitoring the impact of policies, asking challenging questions and ensuring accountability. The role is often called ‘being a critical friend’. Individual governors have a special focus of interest in school to reflect the different aspects of school life.

The full governing body meets each month except April and August (i.e. 10 times a year). There are two sub-groups: education/welfare and business. Each meets twice a year to fulfil its delegated responsibilities.

The approved minutes of the Full Governing Body meetings are available to view via the school office.

The governors at Long Sutton are involved in school life in a variety of ways; these include formal meetings and visits, volunteering during the school day and supporting special school events. Governors have responsibility for financing 10% of all capital projects at the school.

The governors at Long Sutton are therefore committed to regular fund raising events to ensure that we can continue to provide the children in our community with the well-resourced learning environment they have historically enjoyed.

At each monthly meeting the subject leaders take turns to present information about their subject to the governors; to share the learning and progress, successes or highlights, any concerns or areas to develop their next steps.