
“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every family.” —Kofi Annan

Summary curriculum overview statement

At Long Sutton C of E Primary School we offer a knowledge based, engaging and inclusive curriculum which builds on the knowledge, skills and understanding of all children. The key themes that run throughout our curriculum are oracy, reading and enquiry. The focus is on ‘knowing more’ and ‘remembering more’ building on previous learning. All areas of our curriculum are underpinned by the school’s Christian vision, values and ethos (Love, Perseverance, Hope, Thankfulness, Compassion). Our curriculum intertwines the learning of knowledge with the skills needed to use this as well as developing the cultural capital needed to succeed in life. We believe that children need to become independent learners and we enable them to do this through the development of their learning muscles: Reflection, Collaboration and Resilience. We believe children must embrace mistakes as part of their learning, and use these to improve their learning.

We have looked at every curriculum area individually, as we recognise that each subject is unique and includes its own substantive knowledge, disciplinary knowledge and skills. All our classes are mixed age and due to demographic changes and unpredictable in-year admission numbers, our class structure is not guaranteed to be the same year after year. Therefore, we have sequenced the content of many of our subjects using ‘rolling programmes’ which ensure that whatever path a pupil takes through the school, the National Curriculum content is covered.

More importantly, our curriculum is a ‘spiral curriculum’ in which key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with deepening layers of complexity underpinned by the development of oracy skills.


Long Sutton C of E  Primary School’s curriculum is designed to be inclusive and engaging for all, building on children’s previous knowledge enabling all children to make progress and achieve the best they can. The curriculum is designed to use first hand experiences, develop children’s oracy skills, develop independent learning skills and resilience. We believe that developing high quality reading skills, and a love of this will enable children to know more and learn better and so this is a key focus within all we do. We want children to ‘love’ learning and to want to achieve for themselves, and developing a lifelong love of learning.

Each subject is led by a member of staff who has a good knowledge of the curriculum and strong subject knowledge, providing leadership and support to colleagues. The subject leader keeps up to date with current research and developments, sharing training and information with staff when needed through running staff meetings.


This is how we deliver our intent consistently each day. To do this we have designed a sequential curriculum using a rolling programme to ensure continuous learning in our mixed age classes which encompasses the National Curriculum but goes beyond this. Our teaching is based on Rosenshine’s principles of instruction, based on cognitive science (small steps, providing models, scaffolds, asking questions, checking for understanding, guided practice, obtaining high success rate, independent practice, reviewing (daily, weekly & monthly)). The curriculum is designed to enable learners to acquire relevant subject knowledge which underpins the application of skills. The skills are progressively mapped across each stage and area of learning. Knowledge is consolidated and built on to support retention and recall. This ensures that by the time children leave our school they have learned and are able to recall and apply the key information and skills that we feel are important in order for them to be successful in the future. The curriculum is embedded through carefully planned visits, visitors, activities, community links, skill workshops, life experiences enhancing the learning of our pupils and develop their understanding of how they can contribute to the community and society.

Our Learning muscles (Reflection, Resilience and Collaboration – click here for more information) support children in understanding how they learn. Effort and inner drive are praised. Children are encouraged to reflect upon their learning and take responsibility for their achievement; focusing on developing resilience and the ability to collaborate effectively, becoming independent learners.

Foundation subjects have core themes running through them to support children in making links in their learning and lessons are led by enquiry, a main question. Our curriculum is main taught through discrete subjects, providing a deeper understanding and preparing children for subjects in Secondary school.

The children record their learning in a variety of creative ways demonstrating the knowledge acquired during a unit of learning.


Through our broad curriculum, we develop the knowledge and skills of the children to inspire their aspirations for the future and ensure children are prepared for their next stage of education as well as becoming good citizens. Children leave Long Sutton Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; how to make positive contributions to the local community and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to become good communicators, who value and respect themselves and others, are resilient, and compassionate, showing acceptance and tolerance of others, are good team players, with a thirst for life and all it has to offer.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela

Individual subjects curriculum offer and statement:

English: Reading core offer, Writing core offer , Phonics –  Unlocking letters and Sounds, Oracy

Maths, Science, History, Geography,  Music,  PE, Computing,  RE,  Art

We have developed our own curriculum 2-year rolling programme for each class.

2022/23: Cygnet class curriculum 2022/23, Kingfisher class curriculum 2022/23, Kite class curriculum 2022/23, Harrier class curriculum 2022/23.

2023/24: Cygnet Curriculum Overview Year A 2023; Kingfisher Curriculum Overview Year A 2023 ; Kite Curriculum Overview Year A 2023Harrier Curriculum Overview Year A 2023

Below are the overview of our curriculum in each subject, the details of each term’s learning and other information about our curriculum.  If you wish to find out more about our curriculum contact the Head teacher.

Information from Parent Workshops