Harrier Class

Teachers:  Mrs Stephanie Janas
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Christine Unwin & Mrs Lis Foy

Harrier Curriculum overview B 2024.25

About Our Class

In year 5 the children move into Harrier Class with Mrs Janas, the class teacher, supported by Mrs Christine Unwin and Mrs Lis Foy.

Outstanding levels of behaviour, appearance, manners and perseverance are expected and the Harrier Class team actively promote the children becoming more independent, responsible and resilient in preparation for the move to Secondary education.

Happy 2025!

We’re halfway through the first half of this Spring term and the children have returned to class after the Christmas break enthusiastic about the challenges and fun we’re going to have together this term.  Our class focus this term is Oracy: learning to talk and learning through talk. We’re having lots of discussions across all our subjects – discussing whether Perseus would still have been able to defeat Medusa without the gifts from the gods, whether chocolate door handles have any advantages, and learning how to probe and challenge politely in discussions.

This term

In the first half of the Spring Term our topic will have a History focus. We will be learning about the Ancient Greeks. We will learn about who the Ancient Greeks were and where and when they lived. In RE we will be learning more about Hinduism, in DT we will be designing and making mini waistcoats and in Music we will be learning some basic notation using our new Boom whackers. After half term we will be learning about Mountains in our Geography topic and texture and form in Art.

In our Science lessons we will be investigating the Properties and changes of materials. The class will be able to

      • Understand that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
  • Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
  • Give reasons for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic
  • Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
  • Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.


In English we will be concentrating on taking our writing to the next level – something the children are all motivated to do. In this first half of term, we will be writing a Defeat the Monster tale, focussing on describing character. Following that, we will study a poem until half term. After half term, we will be writing explanation texts, which we will link to our learning in other topics, such as Science and Geography.

The children will choose their AR Reading books this week. Reading is still a priority in Harrier class and your child’s planner will be checked daily to ensure that they are maintaining the required minimum 4 reads per week. A child’s reading directly affects their success in other areas of the curriculum: oracy, vocabulary, comprehension and the development of their writing. Please continue to sign the book each time you hear your child read (I am happy for them to write the book title and the pages they have read themselves).

Click here during school hours to complete an AR quiz. Please record your score in your planner.


We will be using Spelling Shed this year and homework will be given out on Mondays. Please ensure your child practises these daily and completes and brings the spelling sheet in to school every day. There will be a test on Fridays.

In Maths we will aim to get stuck, as this is when we learn the most! We will continue to consolidate our times tables knowledge using TTRockstars.

Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school every day just in case it is necessary to move PE due to unforeseen circumstances. Swimming is on at Huish Leisure Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure your child has a swimming hat – especially if they have long hair.

Please can we remind everyone to ensure their child has only fruit or veg for a snack at morning break. Please also remember that we promote healthy eating in school, so lunchboxes should contain a healthy, balanced lunch and we only allow water in drink bottles.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office email if you have any questions or concerns. Best wishes. Mrs Stephanie Janas

“It’s not that I’m so smart. It’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein

Our Prayer at the end of each day

We thank you Father for today,

And all the work we’ve done.

For help we have been given,

For our learning and our fun.




Documents for parents

Harrier Class Spellings Autumn 2023

Harrier Class Spellings Spring 2024


Remember to keep reading!
