Harrier Class
Teachers: Mrs Stephanie Janas
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Christine Unwin & Mrs Lis Foy
Harrier Curriculum overview B 2024.25
About Our Class
In year 5 the children move into Harrier Class with Mrs Janas, the class teacher, supported by Mrs Christine Unwin and Mrs Lis Foy.
Outstanding levels of behaviour, appearance, manners and perseverance are expected and the Harrier Class team actively promote the children becoming more independent, responsible and resilient in preparation for the move to Secondary education.
Welcome Back!
Welcome to a new year in Harrier class. We are all excited about the challenges and fun we’re going to have together over the year. Resilience is a key focus in Harriers, which to us means dealing with being stuck, managing distractions, rising to the challenge and working towards goals. We have talked this week about using the 6Bs (ask your child!) when we get stuck, having a growth mindset and not giving up! We now feel a lot more positive about these things as we now understand that being stuck is when we are really learning.
This term
In the first half of the Autumn Term our topic will have a History focus. We will be learning about WW2 and D-Day, which was 80 years ago this year. After half term, we will then go on to focus on trade and fair trade in our Geography topic.
Knowledge Organiser D-Day Harrier 2024
In our Science lessons we will be investigating how we classify living things through practical experiments and research. We will:
Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals
Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.
In English we will be concentrating on writing accuracy, specifically for punctuation and spelling. In this first half of term, we will be writing a Warning tale, focussing on describing the setting and a newspaper report. After half term, we will be writing a Tale of Fear and some poetry.
The children will choose their AR Reading books this week. Reading is still a priority in Harrier class and your child’s planner will be checked daily to ensure that they are maintaining the required minimum 4 reads per week. A child’s reading directly affects their success in other areas of the curriculum: oracy, vocabulary, comprehension and the development of their writing. Please continue to sign the book each time you hear your child read (I am happy for them to write the book title and the pages they have read themselves).
Click here
Click here during school hours to complete an AR quiz. Please record your score in your planner.
We will be using Spelling Shed this year and the class will be completing activities on their weekly spellings throughout the week.
In Maths we will aim to get stuck, as this is when we learn the most! We will start with place value, extending our learning about decimals, starting with tenths and hundredths. We will continue to consolidate our times tables knowledge using TTRockstars.
Please ensure your child has their PE in school every day just in case it is necessary to move PE due to unforeseen circumstances. We will be swimming in the school pool as long as the weather allows so they should always have their swimming kit. Please ensure your child has a swimming hat – especially if they have long hair.
Please can we remind everyone to ensure their child has only fruit or veg for a snack at morning break. Please also remember that we promote healthy eating in school, so lunchboxes should contain a healthy, balanced lunch and we only allow water in drink bottles.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office email if you have any questions or concerns. Best wishes. Mrs Stephanie Janas
“It’s not that I’m so smart. It’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein
Our Prayer at the end of each day
We thank you Father for today,
And all the work we’ve done.
For help we have been given,
For our learning and our fun.
Documents for parents
Harrier Class Spellings Autumn 2023
Harrier Class Spellings Spring 2024
Remember to keep reading!