Kingfisher Class

Teachers:   Mrs Beth Casalis (Mon, Tues, Weds am) and

                       Mrs Liz Brading (Weds pm, Thurs, Fri)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Nikki Hazzard  (mornings and x 4 afternoons), Miss Sophie Farmer (mornings) and Miss Mia Pollard (afternoons) 

KS1 Curriculum Overview

Kingfisher Curriculum Overview Year A 2023

Phonics workshop for Year 1: Powerpoint click here

Welcome to our Kingfisher class page. 

Welcome back to the Summer Term


Year 2: The focus will be learning to tell the time to quarter to and past the hour as well as identifying five-minute intervals. They will learn about recording and collecting information in our Statistics unit and learn how to measure capacity and volume.

Year 3: The children will learn how to calculate fractions of amounts as well as adding and subtracting fractions.  They will learn about time, ensuring that they know about roman numerals, days, weeks, and months of the year and solving time related problems.


This term we will be using dragons to inspire our writing in English. We start off the term by learning the story of Kassim and the Greedy Dragon. The class will be using different skills to develop a sense of character. After this we will focus on non-fiction for the rest of the term where children will be writing an information text about dragons and a set of instructions about how to find a dragon’s lair. We are continuing to focus on correct formation of letters when writing using a cursive script and using capital letters and full stops accurately.


The children will be learning about Judaism and how Jewish people believe in God and the covenant. They will explore the significance of various festivals and find the hidden messages in stories such as the importance of making good choices in life. They will explore common links with Christianity.


Kingfisher class will be starting off the term on history answering the questions; ‘Who was Boudicca and why was she remembered?’ Children will be learning about life in Roman Britain. As a class we will be exploring the ideas of significance and cause and consequence. With children thinking carefully about the consequences of different events during Boudicca’s rebellion.


In Geography, we will be learning about Kenya and thinking about what it would be like to live in Kenya compared to Somerset. Children will consider human and physical features of Kenya. We will then focus in on the Tana River to learn about the water cycle.


This term the children will study ‘Plants’. They will plant, nurture, and observe seeds and identify how seeds are dispersed and what plants need to grow. They will investigate the ways in which water is transported within plants as well as exploring the role of flowers in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.


Children will develop knowledge and understanding of dynamics, timbre, tempo and instruments.

Design and Technology

Textiles: Children will be learning how to sew a running stitch ready to design, make and decorate a pouch using a template.


Our focus this half term is on Pattern and Printing, developing techniques and studying the work of Gustav Klimt. The final week of the term is Arts week when the children will complete the unit, using a wide range of media.


Computing this term will be focussed on programming Robot Algorithms. Children will be learning to program Bee- Bots and getting them to travel different routes on a Bee-Bot mat.

Year 3: French

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon the children in Year 3 will learn French. Before half term they will learn greetings and after half term they will learn about the French names of colours. The knowledge organisers will be helpful to share at home.





Year 3

Year 3 Spellings Autumn 1

Year 3 Spellings Autumn 2

Year 3 Spellings Spring Term 1

Y3 Spellings Summer Term 1  


Year 2

Y2 Spellings Spring Term 2

Y2 Spellings Summer 1 

Year 2 Spellings Summer Term 2

All children now have a login for the Spelling Shed website where weekly assignments are set for children to practice their spellings for that week. Please click on the link below to go to the website.

Spelling shed

Please continue to read daily with your children at home and record this in the reading journal. Children are encouraged to keep the book for 3 nights to develop decoding, fluency and reading with an expressive voice. All children have spellings stuck into their planners and will be tested every Friday. Please see the link below for ideas to help children learn spellings.

If you are using the AR scheme ,please log on below and complete a quiz. Always keep reading. Read aloud to an adult daily and read to themselves for at least 20 minutes a day, preferably more.

Here is a link to questions to ask when listening to your child reading.

Click here during school hours to complete an AR quiz. Please record your score in your planner or Home Learning Book.

Maths for ALL YEARS :  TTRockstars   Encourage your child to develop their Times Table knowledge using this App. They have their own password which can be found in their reading journal. Here is a parent guide to help get into the TTrockstars app.    Parentletters-parentletter (1)


Useful Documents  and Information

Parentletters-parentletter (1)

Strategies for Learning spellings at home. 

The Bare Necessities – these are a range of maths games you can play at home
