Kite Class

Kite Class

Teachers: Mrs Maddy Pengelly
Teaching Assistants: Mrs M Cornthwaite and Miss N Hazzard (mornings).

Welcome to the Spring term. We have an exciting curriculum planned for this term (more details below). If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask any of the Kite staff.

Please can we remind everyone to ensure their child has a fruit or veg snack to eat at break.  Also, remember we only allow water in the drink bottles.

Kite Curriculum overview Year B

Kite Class- Autumn Term

English fiction will have a focus on character and dialogue in our writing, using  a losing tale (George’s Marvelous Concoction). Non-fiction writing will follow after half-term, focusing on persuasive writing techniques.  Poetry techniques will be taught during both the half-terms.. Pupils will also create their own ‘invent’ independent writing, to ‘show what they know!’ Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be taught throughout the year. Weekly spellings are attached below.

In Maths we will be developing our understanding of the four number operations. This will include written formal methods of adding, subtracting and multiplication.  Year 5’s will also be including decimal numbers in their work, as well as percentages as a fraction of an amount. Throughout term there will be a focus on mental addition and subtraction methods. We will continue to learn multiplication and dividing, including using a formal written method.  All our maths will include problem solving, challenges and lots of math talk. ‘Maths on Track’ (short burst sessions of 15 minutes) will continually revise and remind of topics taught.

In R.E we will  be asking : What do Hindu people believe about Dharma, Deity and Atman?    We will look at how Hinduism emphasises Dharma (right-living), respect for life, parents, promises, worship (puja), Atman (inner divinity), divine guidance, and celebrating God’s light through rituals like Divali.  After half-term, the class will develop their understanding of the meaning and relevance of Easter to Christians.

In our Science lessons in the first half term,we will be investigating:

States of Matter:

  • Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases
  • Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C)
  • Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature.


  • Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating
  • Recognise that vibrations from a sound travel through a medium to the ear.
  • Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it
  • Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
  • Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.


  • Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit
  • Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches
  • Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.

Knowledge organisers: Electricity, Sound, States of Matter

In Computing we will look at Creating media – Audio production. Children will identify the input device (microphone) and output devices (speaker or headphones) required to work with sound digitally. They will discuss the ownership of digital audio and the copyright implications of duplicating the work of others. After half term they will look at Microbit – Data logging. In this unit, pupils will consider how and why data is collected over time. Pupils will have a hands on experience with the controllers experiencing programming,seeing what they code physically appear.

Other curriculum areas for the Autumn Term:

For the first part term, our topic work will have a History  focus where we will be asking ‘What did the Romans do for us?’ We will look at how the Roman Empire impacted Britain through roads, towns, language, religion, military success, cultural changes, and innovations, despite eventual rebellion and the Empire’s decline. We will use our key concepts of Hierarchy & Power,Invasion & Settlement ,Everyday Life and Legacy as discussion points.

The second part of  Autumn will have a Geography  focus. We will ask ‘What causes Volcanoes and Earthquakes?‘ Children will link their previous geographical knowledge of Italy during this topic. They will think like geographers as they learn how volcanoes and earthquakes are caused by tectonic plate movements. They will  learn their features, locations, eruptions, and why people live near them despite risks.

Art Children will experiment with a variety of Texture (textiles, clay, sand, plaster, stone).They will explore various textures through activities like weaving, tie-dye, and stitching. They’ll experiment with colours and patterns, creating unique textile art while developing creativity and understanding texture’s impact on design. After half term, Zaha Hadid will be a focus for our Art lessons.

DT   This will focus on:Electrical Systems : Torches.  Knowledge Organiser:2024-Y4-Knowledge-organiser-Electrical-Systems-Torches

  • Identify electrical products and explain why they are useful.
  • Help to make a working switch.
  • Identify the features of a torch and how it works.
  • Describe what makes a torch successful.
  • Create suitable designs that fit the success criteria and their own design criteria.
  • Create a functioning torch with a switch according to their design criteria.

Music will focus on learning a new song, singing in time and in tune while following the lyrics. They will identify motifs aurally and play a repeated pattern on a tuned instrument. The song is titles ‘The Romans’.

Knowledge organiser: Music-KO-Adapting-And-Transposing-Motifs-RJ-18-08-21

We will  learn French. The focus will continue to be on French greetings:Using puppets to practise a variety of French greetings and learning how to introduce themselves. Choosing the correct greeting based on the time of day and asking someone how they are.  Knowledge Organiser:-greetings.  

Weekly Spelling Tests will be on a Friday. All children have a paper copy and also a copy stuck in their reading record books.

Y4 Spellings Spring Term 2

Y5 Spellings Spring Term 2

ALL YEARS :  TTRockstars  Encourage your child to develop their Times Table knowledge using this App. They have their own password which can be found in their reading journal.

Reading- Please sign your child’s reading record every time they are heard reading. This will show a minimum of 4 reads a week is being completed. Reading record books will be checked every Friday and signed by member of Kite staff.

If you are using the AR scheme ,please log on below and complete a quiz. Always keep reading. Read aloud to an adult daily and read to themselves for at least 20 minutes a day, preferably more. Here is a link to questions to ask when listen to your child reading. If possible share stories as a family too. Write a book review for each book you read.

Click here during school hours to complete an AR quiz. Please record your score in your planner or Home Learning Book.

A reading website that has updated lists of children’s authors reading aloud and fun activities.

Class work for children who are absent but able to work:


We are having a focus on character and dialogue. Have a go at the writing activities. Why not write your own tale using a character you have created and a detailed setting description? There are some help sheets below.

Create a character: Character Description  

How do you write dialogue? Remind yourself here:Dialogue help      Have a go at creating a setting: story-settings-writing frames

TTrockstars should be used everyday. If no device is available, children can write out the times tables. As a guide , begin with 10X, 5X and 2X. Move on to the others up to 12X. The corresponding division facts should also be learnt.

Reading 4 times a week for at least 20 minutes is encouraged. AR quizzes  (for those using AR) can be accessed during school time.

Maths: Click on the links on the sheet.

Maths isolation workwho-was-jesus-6mv66c-9bc2d80dd348839

Time –

1.maths-ks2-lesson Time to the minute Powerpoint

1.maths-ks2-lesson Time to the minute worksheet

2. maths-ks2-lesson-AM PM

2. maths-ks2-lesson-AM PM 1

2. Telling-the-time Quiz

2.Telling-the-time AM PM answers

Blank_Time_Worksheet  Can you tell the time? Write the time in words. Try minutes to the hour and past.

Here is some shape revision:

