
Long Sutton C of E Primary School and Toy Box Pre-school are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff, volunteers, visitors and outside agencies to share this commitment and to follow the school policy and procedures. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25

All visitors to the school will be required to show some ID to reception staff if you are not known to them as part of our safeguarding policy. Please have this ready when you arrive. We will also need details of your DBS clearance if you are a regular visitor to the school. Visitors and contractors will be given a badge that they should wear and display at all times when on the school premises.

Child Protection is everyone’s concern –

doing nothing is not an option in our school.

If you have any concerns please contact Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Lizzie Reynolds, Head Teacher) via the school office (01458 241434) 0r [email protected]


Somerset Children’s Social Care ([email protected]) 0300 123 2224

Child Protection Leader (or DSL) including online safety, monitoring and filtering – Mrs Lizzie Reynolds, Head Teacher

Deputy Child Protection Leaders – Mrs Clare Cole, Office Manager – Mrs Emily Bowditch, Office Administrator, Mrs Julie Moseley, SENDco/Pre-school Manager

Child Protection Governor (including online safety, monitoring and filtering) – Mrs Lesley Kellett

All the above can be contacted via the school office on 01458 241434

LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) is to be contacted for all allegations – Anthony Goble – contacted via Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224